comprehensive solution platform

we protect those who serve

If your business is exposed to the risks of over-serving your customers, under-age selling, selling outside of legal hours, or failing to comply with regulatory requirements within your state, WE SCAN was made for you.

WE SCAN is a comprehensive software solution for bars, restaurants, venues, private clubs, or retailers that sell alcohol, tobacco, or other age-restricted products. With WE SCAN, you can automate, plan, protect, enforce, and comply with established service and sales policies and state regulatory requirements.

Responsible Service Program

Comprehensive Responsible Service Program solution that integrates with POS systems for centralized policy configuration, tailored by region, store, or concept, with proactive policy enforcement, prevention for over-consumption, age verification, and real-time visibility to at-risk sales.

Automated Age Verification

Existing and custom device solutions to implement your Responsible Sales Program by automating and enforcing your age-verification requirements.

Private Club Management

Streamlined guest applications and complete regulatory compliance reporting solution for the Private Club environment within dry jurisdictions.

run your business…

Don’t let the business run you! With WE SCAN, you can meet your corporate commitment to responsible service and be assured you’ve taken an active step toward complete implementation of your organization’s policies regarding alcohol, tobacco, and age restriction. Your managers can place their focus on the experience your customers pay for, and your employees will avoid subjective “gray areas” that can expose your business to fines, negative PR, or other painful consequences.

Contact us today to find out how WE SCAN can support your training program, remove the variability of policy implementation, and return your focus to the peak experience you work hard to provide for your customers.

implement your plan and protect your business

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